E cullezzione

Sound Library

The sound library has a musical and patrimonial collection of more than 2,200 hours of sound recordings, video reports on music, about fifty old instruments and graphic documents. The objective is to host sound collections and to promote ethnomusicological investigations in order to make them known to different audiences.

Sound funds

2200 hours of recordings:

  • Old archives (magnetic wire, 78 rpm);
  • Collections (cassettes, magnetic tapes) of the ethnomusicologists Quilici, Laade, Römer and many private individuals;
  • Collections made by the sound library of the museum of Corsica since 1991 (DAT, digital files, mini-discs and videos of professional format);
  • 45 and 33 rpm vinyl records, compact discs – edited records.


Discover a selection of the collection through the four main themes that are :

  • CANTI PULIFONICHI, Polyphonic songs. Songs interpreted with several voices;
  • MUSICHE STRUMENTALE, instrumental music transmitted mainly by oral tradition;
  • TESTIMUNIANZA È SPRESSIONE SONORE, Testimonies and sound expressions;
  • CANTI MONODICHI, Monodic songs. Songs interpreted in one voice, accompanied or not by a musical instrument.

Our selection

Canti pulifonichi

Polyphonic songs. Songs interpreted in several voices.
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Musiche strumentale

Instrumental music transmitted mainly by oral tradition.
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Testimunianza è spressione sonore

Testimonies and sound expressions.
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Canti monodochi

Monodic songs. Songs interpreted in one voice, accompanied or not by a musical instrument.
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Musical instruments

The corpus of musical instruments of the Museum of Corsica is composed :

  • String instruments (violins, cistres, mandolins, guitars, banjolines);
  • Wind instruments (flutes, pastoral clarinets, diatonic accordions);
  • percussion instruments (clappers, hammers, rattles, various bells);
  • It is completed by unique instruments of local manufacture, such as a positive organ of the XVIIIth century or a mechanical piano used in a village bar.
Ch. Magdeleine, luthier, Cetera d'étude / CdC, musée de la Corse. Photo Ph. Pierangeli
Anton Giuseppe Saladini, Orgue-organu / CdC, musée de la Corse. Photo Ph. Pierangeli
Piano mécanique - Viola/ CdC, musée de la Corse. Photo Ph. Pierangeli
Violon-Viulinu /CdC, musée de la corse. Photo Ph. Pierangeli


The enrichment of collections is one of the missions of a museum. New acquisitions, whether free of charge or for a fee, are above all linked to the institution’s scientific and cultural program. They allow us to enrich the existing collections and to open new perspectives thanks to temporary exhibitions.

Item of the month

Each month, an object from the museum’s collections reveals its secrets!


Conservation is a set of measures to preserve works of art from deterioration in order to pass them on to future generations.

A museum may have to restore pieces of its collection or works lent for temporary exhibitions.