Saturday, September 21 and Sunday, September 22, 2019
36ma édizione di e ghjurnate aurupee di u patrimoniu
Entrata libera da 10 ore di mane à 7 ore è mezu di sera
Free admission from 10:00 am to 7:30 pm
- Guided tours of the Corti citadel at 11:00 a.m., 2:00 p.m. and 5:00 p.m.
- “Dossier Prismatic“, a game show for everyone, young and old. Using unusual photographs, visitors are invited to find the objects represented in the permanent collections.
- Lectures :
Saturday, September 21 at 3:00 pm
Christian MAGDELEINE, “Recent discovery of a period cetera (Corsican cistrum). An instrument to be restored, the example of the cetera of Soriu di Tenda, analyses and presentation.”
Bastia-based luthier Christian Magdeleine will present to the public exclusively at the Museum of Corsica a recently recovered nineteenth-century cetera. Through this presentation, various questions will be addressed and discussed with the public.
The lecture will be followed by a workshop-discovery around violin making restoration techniques, and a discussion on contemporary artistic creation with these ancient instruments.
Sunday, September 22 at 3:00 pm
Camille ANNOUN and Charlotte NEMOZ, “Towards a heritage approach to territory around the Mediterranean”
The intervention proposes a reflection on territorial heritage, natural and cultural vernacular resources through history, and on the transmission in situation of a common Mediterranean culture.
Through examples of studies and actions carried out, it will be a question of outlining a transversal heritage approach, the product of a human fabrication that is both natural and cultural, aiming at the comfort, economy, richness of uses and habitat of lived and natural landscapes.
Mediterranean architecture and landscapes tell us of permanency, traditions and adaptations to climate and soil, the awareness and study of which will allow us to reveal the territorial heritage, to elaborate a shared imaginary through a common narrative of the landscape, and to propose truly perennial solutions to the development of the territory as a common good.
Cultural Mediation Department of the Museum of Corsica
Tel: 04 95 45 26 01 /
Tel: 04 95 45 45 26 04 /
CdC, musée de la Corse/DR CdC, musée de la Corse/DR